

Documentation About NAS Js Password Management

Version 1.0.0

Forgot Password ?

If you have forgotten your password, please note that only the administrator hosting the service within your home network has the ability to reset or provide a new password for you . For security reasons, password management is handled exclusively by the local administrator to ensure the privacy and integrity of your account. Please contact the administrator directly for assistance.

LoginHandler Function Analysis

The provided code defines a LoginHandler function that handles user login requests. Let's analyze its structure and functionality:


The code imports the fs module for file system operations and a custom userFileManager module, which presumably contains functions related to managing user data stored in JSON files.

const fs = require('fs');
const userFileManager = require('../FileManger/filemanger');

Loading User Data

The LoginHandler function loads user login details and passwords from JSON files using the loadSessions method provided by the userFileManager module.

let LoginDetatil = userFileManager.loadSessions('./Json/logindetails.json')
let pwd = userFileManager.loadSessions('./Json/users.json')

Login Handler Function

The LoginHandler function is an Express route handler that takes a request (req) and a response (res) object as parameters. It extracts the username and password from the request body.

const LoginHandler = (req, res) => {
    const { username, password } = req.body;

User Authentication

The function checks if the provided username exists in the loaded login details. If it does, it verifies if the corresponding password matches the provided password. If both conditions are met, it sends a successful login response with the user's unique identifier (UID). Otherwise, it sends an error response indicating incorrect password or user not found.

if (Object.keys(LoginDetatil).includes(username)) {
    if (pwd[LoginDetatil[username].uid].password === password) {
        res.status(200).json({ uid: LoginDetatil[username].uid });
    } else {
        res.status(401).send('Incorrect password');
} else {
    res.status(404).send('User not found');

This function provides basic user authentication functionality, loading user data from JSON files and verifying login credentials. However, it's important to ensure proper error handling, validation, and security measures to prevent vulnerabilities such as SQL injection or password hashing.

This Markdown file provides a detailed analysis of the LoginHandler function, explaining its purpose, structure, and functionality. You can use it to document the code for reference or further discussion.